We describe an R package called marked
for analysis of
mark-recapture data. Currently, the package is capable of fitting
Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) models with maximum likelihood estimation
(MLE) and Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods. In addition,
Jolly-Seber (JS) models can be fitted with MLE. Additional models will
be added as the package is updated. We provide some example analyses
with the well-known dipper data and compare run timing and results with
MARK. For analysis with several thousand or more capture histories and
several time-varying covariates, the run times with marked
are substantially less. By providing this open source software, we hope
to expand the analyst’s toolbox and enble the knowledgeable user to
understand fully the models and software.
Currently the most comprehensive software for analysis of capture-recapture data is MARK (White and Burnham 1999). MARK is a FORTRAN program for fitting capture-recapture models that are manually constructed with a graphical user interface. RMark (Laake and Rexstad 2008) is an R package that constructs models for MARK with user-specified formulas to replace the manual model creation. With RMark and MARK most currently available capture-recapture models can be fitted and manipulated in R. Additional R packages for analysis of capture-recapture data have been made available including Rcapture (Baillargeon and Rivest 2007), mra (McDonald et al. 2005), secr (Borchers and Efford 2008), BTSPAS (Schwarz et al. 2009), SPACECAP (Royle et al. 2009), and BaSTA (Colchero, Jones, and Rebke 2012). Rcapture fits closed and open models in a log-linear framework. The mra package fits Cormack-Jolly-Seber (CJS) and the Huggins closed model with a ``regression approach’’ to model specification. The secr and SPACECAP packages provide spatially explicit modeling of closed capture-recapture data and BTSPAS fits time-stratified Petersen models in a Bayesian framework. BaSTA estimates survival with covariates from capture-recapture/recovery data in a Bayesian framework when many individuals are of unknown age. Each package is designed for a unique niche or structure. We believe these alternative packages in R are useful because they expand the analyst’s toolbox and the code is open source which enables the knowledgeable user to understand fully what the software is doing. Also, this independent innovation provides testing for existing software and potential gains in developer knowledge to improve existing software.
We developed this R package we named marked
for analysis
with marked animals in contrast to the R package unmarked (Fiske and Chandler 2011) that focuses on
analysis with unmarked animals. The original impetus for the package was
to implement the CJS model using the hierarchical likelihood
construction described by Pledger, Pollock, and
Norris (2003) and to improve on execution times with RMark/MARK
(White and Burnham 1999; Laake and Rexstad
2008) for analysis of our own large data sets with many
time-varying individual (animal-specific) covariates. Subsequently, we
implemented the Jolly-Seber model with the Schwarz and Arnason (1996) POPAN structure where
the hierarchical likelihood construction idea extended to the entry of
animals into the population. We also added a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte
Carlo (MCMC) implementation of the CJS model based on the approach used
by Albert and Chib (1993) for analyzing
binary data with a probit regression model.
We assume you know and understand mark-recapture terminology and
models. For background material on capture-recapture and MARK refer to
http://www.phidot.org/software/mark/docs/book/. In the
appendix, we provide a comparison of the MARK and marked
data and model structures and details on likelihood construction for the
CJS and JS models. Our focus in the vignette will be to provide examples
on the use of marked
Anyone who has used RMark will find it easy to use
because it has nearly identical syntax and structure
with a few minor differences. The structure of the input dataframe for
is also identical to RMark. Any dataframe with a
character field named ch
containing the capture history
will work with marked
. If the capture history represents
more than one animal then the dataframe should contain the additional
numeric field named freq
, which is the number of animals
represented by that capture history. However, it is not necessary to
accumulate capture histories in the input data because the
step will accumulate duplicated records by
default. There can be any number of additional fields, some of which can
be used as covariates in the analysis. Some of the functions in
and RMark have the same name (e.g.,
, make.design.data
), so only one
of the packages should be loaded in R to avoid aliasing and resulting
We will start by fitting the simplest CJS model with constant ϕ and p. The dipper data contain 294
records with the capture history (ch
) and a factor variable
with values Female or Male. Models are fitted with the
function crm
[m]odel). After a call to library to attach the package, and
data to retrieve the dipper data from the package, the model is fitted
with crm
and assigned to the object named
For this example, we are using the default CJS model and a default
formula of ~ 1
(constant) for each parameter. The function
calls three functions in turn: 1)
to process the data, 2)
to create the list of parameter-specific
dataframes, and 3) cjs
, to fit the CJS model with the
defined formulas. The code reports progress and some results as it
executes. We’ll suppress these messages in later examples but show them
here to explain some of the messages. When it processes the data, it
collapses the 294 rows into 55 which are the unique number of rows in
the data including ch
and sex
. After
processing, it creates the design data and the design matrices for each
parameter. Prior to the optimization, it also collapses the histories
further from 55 to 32 which it can do here because sex
not used in either formula. The final steps are to compute initial
values for the parameters and find the MLEs with the selected
optimization method(s). As it progresses, the value of -2log-likelihood
is reported every 100 evaluations of the objective function. It is not
shown above because there were fewer than 100 function evaluations for
this example. A brief listing of the model results is obtained by typing
model which invokes the function print.crm
> model
crm Model Summary
Npar : 2
-2lnL: 666.8377
AIC : 670.8377
Phi.(Intercept) 0.2420302
p.(Intercept) 2.2270627
The output includes the number of parameters (npar
-2log-likelihood, Akaike’s Information Criterion (AIC
), and
the estimates for ϕ and p.
Estimates of precision are not shown because the default is
and it must be set to TRUE to get estimates
of precision. This default was chosen because the marked
package does not count parameters from the hessian, so there is no need
to compute it for each model as with MARK. The hessian may never be
needed if the model is clearly inferior. Also, this allows the model to
be fitted again from the final or different estimates to check for
convergence without the penalty of computing the hessian at the final
values each time. Separate functions (cjs.hessian
) are provided to compute and store in the model
the variance-covariance matrix from the hessian at the final estimates
as shown below:
> model=cjs.hessian(model)
> model
crm Model Summary
Npar : 2
-2lnL: 666.8377
AIC : 670.8377
Estimate se lcl ucl
Phi.(Intercept) 0.2420302 0.1020079 0.04209475 0.4419656
p.(Intercept) 2.2270627 0.3252176 1.58963625 2.8644892
Once the hessian has been computed, printing the model will display
the standard errors and 95% normal confidence intervals for the
parameter estimates on the link scale (e.g., logit for ϕ and p). You can set
in the call to crm
if you want to
compute it when the model is fitted.
You’ll never fit only one model to data, so the most efficient
approach is to call process.data
separately and pass the results to
so they can be used for each fitted model as shown
> dipper.proc=process.data(dipper)
255 capture histories collapsed into 53
> dipper.ddl=make.design.data(dipper.proc)
> Phi.sex=list(formula=~sex)
> model=crm(dipper.proc,dipper.ddl,model.parameters=list(Phi=Phi.sex),
+ accumulate=FALSE)
Computing initial parameter estimates
Starting optimization for 3 parameters...
Elapsed time in minutes: 0.0028
Collapsing capture history records is controlled by the
arguments in process.data
. In the above example, accumulate
was TRUE
for the process.data
step but it was turned off for the
model fit because it would have not resulted in any accumulation with
the sex term in the model. Typically the default values are optimal but
if you are fitting many models and most are complex models, then it may
save time to accumulate in the process.data
step but not
for the model fitting step.
If you fit more than a few models, use crm.wrapper
rather than crm
. It fits a set of models and returns a list
with a model selection table that summarizes the fit of all the models.
By default, crm.wrapper
stores the model results externally
and in the list it only stores the names of the files containing the
models. If you set external=FALSE
, then it will store the
model results in the list as shown in the example below.
> dipper.proc=process.data(dipper)
> dipper.ddl=make.design.data(dipper.proc)
> fit.models=function()
+ {
+ Phi.sex=list(formula=~sex)
+ Phi.time=list(formula=~time)
+ p.sex=list(formula=~sex)
+ p.dot=list(formula=~1)
+ cml=create.model.list(c("Phi","p"))
+ results=crm.wrapper(cml,data=dipper.proc, ddl=dipper.ddl,
+ external=FALSE,accumulate=FALSE)
+ return(results)
+ }
> dipper.models=fit.models()
The model selection table is displayed with:
> dipper.models
model npar AIC DeltaAIC weight neg2lnl convergence
1 Phi(~sex)p(~1) 3 672.6762 0.000000 0.4241510 666.6762 0
3 Phi(~time)p(~1) 7 673.7301 1.053881 0.2504224 659.7301 0
2 Phi(~sex)p(~sex) 4 674.1518 1.475609 0.2028131 666.1518 0
4 Phi(~time)p(~sex) 8 675.1583 2.482104 0.1226135 659.1583 0
A non-zero value for convergence means the model did not converge. If the models are not stored externally, an individual model can be extracted from the list with either the model number which is listed in the model table or with the model name which is the model formula specifications pasted together as shown below:
> dipper.models[[1]]
crm Model Summary
Npar : 3
-2lnL: 666.6762
AIC : 672.6762
Phi.(Intercept) 0.20364163
Phi.sexMale 0.07928539
p.(Intercept) 2.22748575
> dipper.models[["Phi.sex.p.dot"]]
crm Model Summary
Npar : 3
-2lnL: 666.6762
AIC : 672.6762
Phi.(Intercept) 0.20364163
Phi.sexMale 0.07928539
p.(Intercept) 2.22748575
If the models are stored externally (by setting
in the crm.wrapper
call), they
can be retrieved with the function load.model
as shown
> model=load.model(dipper.models[[1]])
> model
crm Model Summary
Npar : 3
-2lnL: 666.6762
AIC : 672.6762
Phi.(Intercept) 0.20364163
Phi.sexMale 0.07928539
p.(Intercept) 2.22748575
To make the analysis more interesting, we will add some covariates
for ϕ and p. For ϕ, we will add a static covariate
which is a random value between 1 and 10. For ϕ, we also add a time-varying
covariate Flood
which is the same for all dippers but
varies by time with a 0 value for times 1,4,5,6 and a value of 1 for
times 2 and 3. For p, we will add a time-varying individual covariate
(trap dependence) which is the 0/1 value of the capture
from the previous occasion. Static covariates are entered in the
dataframe in a single column and time-varying covariates have a column
and name for each occasion with the appropriate time appended at the end
of each name. In this case, Flood
will be
and for td
it will be
because time for ϕ is based on the time at the
beginning of the interval and for p
it is the time for the
capture occasion. Below the names of the covariates in the dataframe are
shown after they are created:
> data(dipper)
> # Add a dummy weight field which are random values from 1 to 10
> set.seed(123)
> dipper$weight=round(runif(nrow(dipper),0,9),0)+1
> # Add Flood covariate
> Flood=matrix(rep(c(0,1,1,0,0,0),each=nrow(dipper)),ncol=6)
> colnames(Flood)=paste("Flood",1:6,sep="")
> dipper=cbind(dipper,Flood)
> # Add td covariate, but exclude first release as a capture
> # splitCH and process.ch are functions in the marked package
> td=splitCH(dipper$ch)
> td=td[,1:6]
> releaseocc=process.ch(dipper$ch)$first
> releaseocc=cbind(1:length(releaseocc),releaseocc)
> releaseocc=releaseocc[releaseocc[,2]<nchar(dipper$ch[1]),]
> td[releaseocc]=0
> colnames(td)=paste("td",2:7,sep="")
> dipper=cbind(dipper,td)
> # show names
> names(dipper)
[1] "ch" "sex" "weight" "Flood1" "Flood2" "Flood3" "Flood4" "Flood5"
[9] "Flood6" "td2" "td3" "td4" "td5" "td6" "td7"
Next we process the data with the default CJS model and make the
design data with parameters that identify which covariates to use for
each parameter. By default, each covariate in the dataframe is added to
the design data of each parameter but the argument static can be used to
limit the variables appended and the time-varying argument is needed to
identify which covariates vary by time and should be collapsed into a
single column. If we did not include the static argument for ϕ, then weight
and each
of the td
columns would also be included and for
, weight and each of the Flood
columns would
be included. If td
was added to the time-varying argument
for ϕ and Flood
was added for p
, then we would have also needed to add
and Flood7
due to the different time
labels for ϕ and
. We have no intention to use those variables so it is
best to specify what is needed. After specifying the design lists for
ϕ and p
, they are
used in the call to make.design.data
and the resulting
dataframe names are shown below:
> # Process data
> dipper.proc=process.data(dipper)
255 capture histories collapsed into 171
> # Create design data with static and time varying covariates
> design.Phi=list(static=c("weight"),time.varying=c("Flood"))
> design.p=list(static=c("sex"),time.varying=c("td"),
+ age.bins=c(0,1,20))
> design.parameters=list(Phi=design.Phi,p=design.p)
> ddl=make.design.data(dipper.proc,parameters=design.parameters)
> names(ddl$Phi)
> names(ddl$p)
Next we define the models for ϕ and p that we want to fit and call crm.
> Phi.sfw=list(formula=~Flood+weight)
> p.ast=list(formula=~age+sex+td)
> model=crm(dipper.proc,ddl,hessian=TRUE,
+ model.parameters=list(Phi=Phi.sfw,p=p.ast))
Computing initial parameter estimates
Starting optimization for 7 parameters...
Computing hessian...
Elapsed time in minutes: 0.0038
Below we create a range of data values to compute predicted ϕ values and then plot the results for Flood and non-Flood years for a range of weights. Not surprising that the slope for weight is nearly 0 because the weight values were generated randomly.
> newdipper=expand.grid(sex=c("Female","Male"),weight=1:10,Flood1=0,
+ Flood2=1,Flood3=1,Flood4=0,Flood5=0,Flood6=0,td2=0,td3=c(0,1),
+ td4=c(0,1),td5=c(0,1),td6=c(0,1),td7=c(0,1))
> reals=predict(model,newdata=newdipper,se=TRUE)
> reals$Phi$Flood=factor(reals$Phi$Flood,labels=c("Non-flood","Flood"))
> ggplot(reals$Phi,aes(weight,estimate,ymin=lcl,ymax=ucl))+
+ geom_errorbar(width=0.2)+geom_point()+geom_line()+
+ xlab("\nWeight")+ylab("Survival\n")+facet_grid(Flood~.)
Fitting an MCMC CJS model (probitCJS
) to the dipper data
is quite similar to the MLE models with the added arguments
and iter
to control the number of
burnin iterations and the number of iterations to perform after the
burnin process. The following fits Phi(~Flood) p(~sex+time)
with low values set for burnin
and iter
reduce the vignette build time.
> data(dipper)
> # Add Flood covariate
> Flood=matrix(rep(c(0,1,1,0,0,0),each=nrow(dipper)),ncol=6)
> colnames(Flood)=paste("Flood",1:6,sep="")
> dipper=cbind(dipper,Flood)
> design.parameters=list(Phi=list(time.varying="Flood"))
> model.parameters=list(Phi=list(formula=~Flood),
+ p=list(formula=~time+sex))
> MCMCfit=crm(dipper,model="probitCJS",
+ model.parameters=model.parameters,
+ design.parameters=design.parameters,
+ burnin=1000,iter=5000)
Computing initial parameter estimates
probitCJS MCMC beginning...
p model = ~time + sex
phi model = ~Flood
MCMC complete, processing output...
Elapsed time in minutes: 0.3326
The results shown are the mode,mean,standard deviation, and 95% highest posterior density interval for the beta parameters and unique ϕ and p real values.
> # beta estimates
> MCMCfit
crm Model Summary
Npar : 9
mode mean sd CI.lower CI.upper
Phi.(Intercept) 0.2218764 0.1394034 0.1988469 -0.3236473 0.3973615
Phi.Flood -0.3032873 -0.2177971 0.2362796 -0.5935488 0.3281377
p.(Intercept) 0.6436777 0.7313005 0.4823417 -0.1948946 1.6849869
p.time3 0.5352586 0.6701687 0.6953046 -0.6100731 2.0952347
p.time4 0.4407369 0.5294992 0.6049279 -0.7215044 1.6491366
p.time5 0.6660732 0.9236156 0.9841979 -0.5919596 3.2741951
p.time6 0.8411414 1.2338615 1.3159079 -0.6319253 4.5546328
p.time7 4.5265041 4.5959475 3.2243378 -0.6258622 10.7480427
p.sexMale 0.2456669 0.2932974 0.4073129 -0.5176629 1.0738007
> # real estimates
> MCMCfit$results$reals
Flood occ estimate.mode estimate.mean estimate.sd estimate.CI.lower
1 0 6 0.5885365 0.5549285 0.07805424 0.3731025
2 1 3 0.4743363 0.4689535 0.04400546 0.3831628
1 0.6544496
2 0.5551082
time sex occ estimate.mode estimate.mean estimate.sd estimate.CI.lower
1 7 Female 7 0.9996926 0.9669530 0.07626647 0.7779231
2 7 Male 7 0.9998341 0.9785297 0.05306793 0.8578692
3 6 Female 6 0.9945257 0.9351462 0.05447770 0.8309172
4 6 Male 6 0.9951112 0.9567330 0.04368942 0.8704560
5 5 Female 5 0.9290541 0.9110636 0.06491508 0.7884778
6 5 Male 5 0.9953383 0.9416982 0.05007638 0.8465082
7 4 Female 4 0.9369048 0.8783982 0.07796190 0.7262238
8 4 Male 4 0.9639034 0.9220626 0.06118877 0.7977592
9 3 Female 3 0.9721815 0.8897479 0.08899024 0.7146708
10 3 Male 3 0.9869350 0.9272389 0.07132128 0.7844138
11 2 Female 2 0.8138675 0.7442329 0.13826792 0.4889068
12 2 Male 2 0.9003932 0.8186241 0.11810416 0.5969684
1 1.0000000
2 1.0000000
3 1.0000000
4 1.0000000
5 1.0000000
6 1.0000000
7 0.9923971
8 0.9994631
9 0.9997964
10 0.9999766
11 0.9815822
12 0.9982825
The manner in which models are constructed in the marked
package is different than in MARK. We start by describing how MARK
specifies and constructs models and how the marked
differs. The likelihood for CJS/JS is a product multinomial and the
multinomial cell probabilities are functions of the parameters. We will
focus on CJS which has two types of parameters: p (capture/recapture probability)
and ϕ (apparent survival).
Each cell is associated with a release cohort and recapture time
(occasion). The cohorts can be further split into groups based on
categorical variables (e.g., sex). In MARK, a parameter index matrix
(PIM) is used to specify the parameters. Each cell can have a unique
index for each type of parameter type (e.g., p and ϕ). As a very simple example, we
will consider a CJS model for a single group with k=4 occasions. For
this structure the PIMS are triangular with a row for each cohort
released at each occasion (time) and the column representing the
occasions (times) following the release. Using an unique index for each
potential parameter, the PIMS would be:
Cohort | 2 | 3 | 4 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
1 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 7 | 8 | 9 |
2 | 4 | 5 | 10 | 11 | ||
3 | 6 | 12 |
The index 5 represents survival of the second release cohort between occasions 3 and 4 and index 8 represents recapture probability of the first release cohort on the third occasion. A separate set of PIMS is created for each group defined in the data. For this example, if there were g groups there would be g × 12 possible unique indices.
Some reduced models with constraints on parameters can be constructed by modifying the PIMS. For example, a model with constant survival and capture probability (Phi(.)p(.)) could be specified by setting all of the PIM values to 1 for the ϕ PIM and 2 for the p PIM. Not all reduced models can be specified by modifying the PIMS and more generally reduced models are constructed with a design matrix which is a set of linear constraints. Each parameter index specifies a row in the design matrix which can be used to apply constraints on the parameters and to relate covariates to the parameters. The PIM approach minimizes the work of manually creating a design matrix by reducing the set of potential parameters and thus the number of rows in the design matrix. For our example, there would be 12 rows in the design matrix and each column in the design matrix (X) represents one of the parameters in the vectorβ. If a logit link is used, the real parameters θ (e.g., ϕ and p in CJS) are:
To specify the Phi(.)p(.) model, the design matrix (X) would have 12 rows and 2 columns. The first column in X would have a 1 in the first six rows (indices 1-6) and a 0 in the last six rows (indices 7-12). The second column would have 0 in the first six rows and a 1 in the last 6 rows. The resulting model would have two parameters with the first representing ϕ and the second p.
To automate the creation of design matrices with formula, the RMark package creates “design data” which are data about the parameters like cohort, time, group, and any related variables. However, having a single X becomes problematic with individual covariates (variables that differ for animals in the same group/cohort). In MARK, these individual covariates are entered into the design matrix as a covariate name. When the real parameters are computed, the name of the covariate is replaced with the value for an animal. If there are only a few individual covariates and small number of animals, the time required for replacement and computation is minor, but when the individual covariates differ in time, there is a different covariate name for each time and most rows in the design matrix must be recomputed which results in longer execution times for large models.
Even if computation time is not limiting, we agree with McDonald et al. (2005) that the PIMs used in MARK can be quite confusing to the novice user because they are an additional layer of abstraction from the data. PIMS are useful for manual model creation, but they become an unnecessary nuisance when models and design matrices are created with formula. Explicit PIMS can be avoided by having an underlying real parameter for each animal for each occasion regardless of the release cohort. It can be viewed as a rectangular matrix with a column for each animal and a row for each occasion. That was the solution of McDonald et al. (2005) who in their mra package use a rectangular covariate matrices as predictor for the real parameters as in standard regression.
We use a similar approach that we believe is simpler for the user.
For a specified model structure (e.g., CJS), the marked
package creates from the raw data, a list of dataframes. Each dataframe
contains the covariate data for a type of parameter in the model (e.g.,
ϕ and p). The dataframes contain a record
for each animal-occasion and the columns are the covariates. Each record
contains the covariate values for that animal-occasion. If the covariate
is constant across time then the value is the same value in each record
for an animal and the value may be different for each occasion if the
covariate is time-varying. Time-varying covariates must be named in the
raw data in a certain manner and specified in the processing step. Each
column in the dataframe is a vector that is equivalent to one of the
covariate matrices in mra; however, rather than specifying the model as
a set of covariate matrices, the standard R model formula (e.g.,
) can be used with the dataframe for each
parameter which is even closer to a typical regression analysis.
A separate dataframe is created for each parameter to allow different data (e.g., time values for ϕ and p) and number of occasions (e.g., ϕ and p in CJS) for each parameter. For ϕ and p in the CJS model, there are n(k − 1) rows for n animals and k − 1 occasions for each parameter but time is labeled by 1 to k − 1 for ϕ and 2 to k for p. For the JS model, there are n(k − 1) records for survival probability and entry probability, but for capture probability there are nk records because the initial capture event is modeled.
The parameter-specific animal-occasion dataframes are automatically
created from the user’s data which contain a single record per animal
containing the capture history and any covariates. Some covariates like
cohort, age, and time are generated automatically for each record. Other
static and time-varying covariates specified in the data are added.
Static variables (e.g., sex) are repeated for each occasion for each
animal. Time-varying covariates are specified in the data using a naming
convention of vt
where v
is the covariate name
and t
is a numeric value for the time (occasion) (e.g.,
td19 contains the value of covariate td at time 19). The time-varying
covariates are collapsed in the animal-occasion dataframes to a single
column with the name identified by v
and each record
contains the appropriate value for the occasion. All of this is
transparent to the user who only needs to specify a dataframe, the type
of model (e.g., CJS), the variables that should be treated as
time-varying, and the formula for each parameter.
With the R function model.matrix, the formula is applied to the
dataframe to create the design matrix for each parameter (e.g, Xϕ,Xp). They are
each equivalent to a portion of the design matrix in MARK for an animal
which are then “stacked on top of one another” to make a matrix for all
animals. For maximum likelihood estimation (MLE), equation @ref(eq:link)
(or similar inverse link function) is applied and the resulting vector
is converted to a matrix with n rows and a column for each
required occasion (k − 1 or
k). For Bayesian MCMC
inference in marked
, onlyXβ are needed for
Currently there are only three types of models implemented in the
package: 1) CJS, 2) JS, and 3) probitCJS. The first
two are based on MLE and the third is an MCMC implementation. The
likelihoods for CJS and JS were developed hierarchically as described by
Pledger, Pollock, and Norris (2003) for
CJS. For simplicity we only consider a single animal to avoid the
additional subscript. Let ω be
a capture history vector having value ωj= 1 when the
animal was initially captured and released or recaptured at occasion
j and ωj= 0 if the
animal was not captured on occasion j, for occasions j = 1, …, k. The
probability of observing a particular capture history Pr(ω) for CJS can
be divided into two pieces (Pr(ω) = Pr(ω1)Pr(ω2):
1) ω1 is the
portion of the capture history from the initial release (i.e., first 1)
to the last occasion it was sighted (i.e., last 1), and 2) ω2 is from the last 1 to
the last occasion. Pr(ω1)
is easily computed because the time period when the animal was available
for capture is known but Pr(ω2)
is more difficult to compute because it is unknown whether the animal
survived until the last occasion, or if it died, when it died.
Typically, Pr(ω2)
has been computed recursively (Nichols 2005). A hierarchical
construction is more direct and understandable. As described in Pledger, Pollock, and Norris (2003), we let
f be the occasion an animal
was released and let d be the
occasion after which the animal is no longer available to be recaptured
due to death or termination of the study. Then Pr(ω| f) = ∑dPr(ω| f, d)Pr(d | f)
where the conditional probability Pr(ω| f, d)
is: $$
Pr(\omega|\, f,\,
$$ and the departure probability is $$
Pr(d\,|\, f)=\left(\prod_{j=f}^{d-1}\phi_{j}\right)(1-\phi_{d})
$$ Viewed in this way, it is possible to construct the likelihood
values for all of the observations with a set of matrices as we describe
in the Appendix.
The hierarchical approach is easily extended to JS. Now the capture history has an additional component with Pr(ω) = Pr(ω0)Pr(ω1)Pr(ω2) where ω0 is the portion of the capture history vector from the first occasion (j=1) to the occasion the animal was first seen (j = f). The Pr(ω0) is similar to Pr(ω2) but now it is e, the occasion at which the animal was first available for capture (i.e., entered in the prior interval) that is unknown. The CJS likelihood provides Pr(ω| f) so we only need to compute $Pr(\omega_{0})=\sum_{e=0}^{f-1}Pr(\omega_{0}|\, e)\pi_{e}$ where πe is the probability of an animal enters the population in the interval between occasion e and e + 1 ($\sum_{e=1}^{k-1}\pi_{e}=1-\pi_{0}$; pent parameters in MARK and specified as β by ) and $$ Pr(\omega_{0}|\, e)=\left(\prod_{j=e+1}^{f-1}(1-p_{j})\right)p_{f} $$
The JS likelihood also contains a component for animals that entered but were never seen. The details for the JS likelihood construction are provided in the Appendix.
The MLEs are obtained numerically by finding the minimum of the negative log-likelihood using optimization methods provided through the optimx R package (Nash and ). The default optimization method is BFGS but you can specify alternate methods and several methods used independently or in sequence as described by Nash and (). Initial values for parameters can either be provided as a constant (e.g., 0) or as a vector from the results of a previously fitted similar model. If initial values are not specified then they are computed using general linear models (GLM) that provide approximations. Using the underlying idea in Manly and Parr (1968) we compute initial estimates for capture-probability p for occasions 2 to k − 1 using a binomial GLM with the formula for p which is fitted to a sequence of Bernoulli random variables that are a subset of the capture history values yij i = 1, ..., n and j = fi + 1, ..., li − 1 where fi and li are the first and last occasions the ith animal was seen. A similar but more ad-hoc idea is used for ϕ. We know the animal is alive between fi and li and assume that the animal dies at occasion li + 1 ≤ k. We use a binomial GLM with the formula for ϕ fitted to the yij* i = 1, ..., n and j = fi + 1, ..., li + 1 ≤ k where yij*=1 for j = fi + 1, ..., li and yij*=0 for j = li + 1 ≤ k. For ϕ and p, a logit link is used for MLE and a probit link for MCMC. For JS, a log link is used for f0, the number never captured and the estimate of super-population size is the total number of individual animals plus f0. Also, for JS a multinomial logit link is used for πe. The initial value is set to 0 for any β that is not estimated (e.g., pK in CJS or p1,πe, N for JS).
Here we provide some details for the likelihoods that are computed in cjs.lnl and cjs.f for the CJS model and in js.lnl for the JS model. Let ϕ,M p be n × k matrices which are functions of the parameters whereϕij is the survival probability for animal i from occasion j − 1 to j (ϕi1 = 1 ), mij is the probability of dying in the interval j to j + 1 (mik = 1) and pij is the capture probability for animal i on occasion j (pi1 = 0). In addition we define a series of matrices and vectors computed from the data in the function process.ch. Let C be an n × k matrix of the capture history values and fiand li are the first and last occasions the ith animal was seen. Derived from those values are n × k matrices L, F and F+ which contain 0 except that Lij = 1 j ≥ li,Fij = 1 j ≥ fi and Fij+ = 1 j > fi. The likelihood calculation has the following steps where the matrix multiplication is element-wise and 1 and represents an n × k matrix where each element is 1:
The R code translates from the mathematics quite literally as:
Phiprime = 1-Fplus + Phi*Fplus
Phistar = t(apply(Phiprime,1,cumprod))
pprime = (1-Fplus)+Fplus*(C*p+(1-C)*(1-p))
pstar = t(apply(pprime,1,cumprod))
pomega = rowSums(L*M*Phistar*pstar)
lnl = sum(log(pomega))
While this code is simple it is faster if the apply is replaced with a loop because there are far more rows than occasions or replaced with compiled code which we did with a FORTRAN subroutine (cjs.f called from cjs.lnl).
The Jolly-Seber likelihood can be partitioned into 3 components: 1) CJS likelihood for Pr(ω1)Pr(ω2) treating the first ``1’’ as a release, 2) a likelihood component for Pr(ω0); entry and first observation, 3) a component for those that entered before each occasion but were never seen. We define an additional n × k matrix π which are the entry probabilities into the population (specified as β by Schwarz and Arnason (1996)) with the obvious constraint that $\sum_{j=0}^{k-1}\pi_{ij}=1$ and Ng g = 1, ..., G is the abundance of animals in each of the defined G groups (e.g., male/female) that were in the population at some time (super-population size). Ng = ng + fg0 where ng is the number observed in the group and fg0 are the estimated number of animals in the group that were never seen.
The same hierarchical approach used for CJS can be used for the second component. Construct the capture history probability for a given entry time and then sum over all possible entry times. . The second component is constructed with the following steps:
For the third likelihood component for missed animals, we constructed G × k dummy capture histories of all 0’s except for a ``1’’ at the occasion the animals entered. From the CJS portion of the code, we obtained pgj0 the probability that an animal released in group g on occasion j would never be captured. The final log-likelihood component is: $$ \sum_{g=1}^{G}f_{g}^{0}\ln\left[\sum_{j=1}^{k}\pi_{g,j-1}(1-p_{gj})p_{gj}^{0}\right]+\ln(N_{g}!)-\ln(f_{g}^{0}!) $$
The JS log-likelihood is the total of the 3 components plus $-\sum_{g=1}^{G}\sum_{j=1}^{k}\ln(n_{gj}!)$ which do not depend on the parameters but is added after optimization in function js, to be consistent with the output from MARK.
With the structure we have used, the design matrices can become quite large and available memory could become limiting. For the design matrices, we use sparse matrices with the R package Matrix (citation). In addition, for MLE analysis, we use the following to reduce the required memory:
For Bayesian MCMC inference, we cannot aggregate records but we reduce the required memory by: