Package: marked 1.2.8

marked: Mark-Recapture Analysis for Survival and Abundance Estimation

Functions for fitting various models to capture-recapture data including mixed-effects Cormack-Jolly-Seber(CJS) and multistate models and the multi-variate state model structure for survival estimation and POPAN structured Jolly-Seber models for abundance estimation. There are also Hidden Markov model (HMM) implementations of CJS and multistate models with and without state uncertainty and a simulation capability for HMM models.

Authors:Jeff Laake <[email protected]>, Devin Johnson <[email protected]>, Paul Conn <[email protected]>, example for simHMM from Jay Rotella

marked.pdf |marked.html
marked/json (API)

# Install 'marked' in R:
install.packages('marked', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3
  • dipper - Dipper capture-recapture data
  • mstrata - Multistrata example data
  • ps - Mulstistate Live-Dead Paradise Shelduck Data
  • sealions - Multivariate State example data
  • skagit - An example of the Mulstistrata (multi-state) model in which states are routes taken by migrating fish.
  • tagloss - Tag loss example


This package does not link to any Github/Gitlab/R-forge repository. No issue tracker or development information is available.

63 exports 1 stars 1.58 score 63 dependencies 1 dependents 4 mentions 87 scripts 740 downloads

Last updated 11 months agofrom:637107c314. Checks:OK: 9. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesOKAug 28 2024
R-4.5-win-x86_64OKAug 28 2024
R-4.5-linux-x86_64OKAug 28 2024
R-4.4-win-x86_64OKAug 28 2024
R-4.4-mac-x86_64OKAug 28 2024
R-4.4-mac-aarch64OKAug 28 2024
R-4.3-win-x86_64OKAug 28 2024
R-4.3-mac-x86_64OKAug 28 2024
R-4.3-mac-aarch64OKAug 28 2024



marked Package Vignette

Rendered frommarkedVignette.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Aug 28 2024.

Last update: 2019-12-09
Started: 2019-12-09

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Computes backward probabilitiesbackward_prob
Fitting function for CJS modelscjs_admb
HMM Initial state distribution functionscjs_delta mvmscjs_delta
HMM Transition matrix functionscjs_gamma ms2_gamma ms_gamma
Fitting function for CJS modelscjs_tmb
Accumulates common capture history valuescjs.accumulate
Compute variance-covariance matrix for fitted CJS modelcjs.hessian
Computes starting values for CJS p and Phi parameterscjs.initial
Likelihood function for Cormack-Jolly-Seber modelcjs.lnl
Extract coefficientscoef.crm
Compute HMM matricescompute_matrices
Compute estimates of real parameterscompute_real
Convert link values to real
Creates a design matrix for a create.dml
Creates a dataframe with all the design data for a particular parameter in a crm modelcreate.dmdf
Create parameters with fixed matrixcreate.fixed.matrix
Creates a 0/1 vector for real parameters with sin linkcreate.links
Capture-recapture model fitting functioncrm
Automation of model runscreate.model.list crm.wrapper crmlist_fromfiles load.model model.table rerun_crm
Derivatives of inverse of link function (internal use)
Dipper capture-recapture datadipper
Create expanded state-dependent observation matrix for HMM from HSMMdmat_hsmm2hmm
Fixing real parameters in crm modelsfix.parameters
Utility extract functionsfunction.wrapper fx.aic fx.par.count
Global decoding of HMMglobal_decode
HMM computation demo functionshmmDemo
Hidden Markov Model likelihood functionshmm.lnl HMMLikelihood reals
Compute transition matrix for HMM from HSMMhsmm2hmm
Setup fixed values for pi in design datainitiate_pi
Inverse link functions (internal use)
Fitting function for Jolly-Seber model using Schwarz-Arnason POPAN formulationjs
Accumulates common capture history valuesjs.accumulate
Compute variance-covariance matrix for fitted JS modeljs.hessian
Likelihood function for Jolly-Seber model using Schwarz-Arnason POPAN formulationjs.lnl
Local decoding of HMMlocal_decode
Create design dataframes for
Merge time (occasion) and/or group specific covariates into design merge_design.covariates
Mixed effect model contstructionmixed.model mixed.model.admb mixed.model.dat reindex
Fitting function for Multistate CJS modelsmscjs
Fitting function for Multistate CJS models with TMBmscjs_tmb
Fitting function for Multistate CJS live-dead models with TMBmsld_tmb
Multistrata example datamstrata
Multivariate Multistate (mvms) Design Datamvms_design_data
HMM Observation Probability matrix functionscjs_dmat ms_dmat mvms_dmat ums2_dmat ums_dmat
Fitting function for Multivariate Multistate CJS with uncertainty modelsmvmscjs
TMB version: Fitting function for Multivariate Multistate CJS with uncertainty modelsmvmscjs_tmb
Compute 1 to k-step transition proportionsomega
Mulstistate Live-Dead Paradise Shelduck DataParadise_shelduck ps
Various utility parameter summary functionsp.boxplot p.mean Phi.boxplot Phi.mean
Compute estimates of real parameterspredict.crm
Print model resultsprint.crm
Print model table from model listprint.crmlist
Perform MCMC analysis of a CJS modelprobitCJS
Mixed effect model formula parser Parses a mixed effect model in the lme4 structure of ~fixed +(re1|g1) +...+(ren|gn)proc.form
Process release-recapture history
Process encounter history dataframe for MARK analysisaccumulate_data
Hidden Markov Model Functionsloglikelihood R_HMMLikelihood
Various utility functionsmcmc_mode naive.survival resight.matrix
Multivariate State example datasealions
Multivariate Multistate (mvms) Specificationset_mvms
Scaling functionsscale_dm scale_par set_scale unscale_par
Set fixed real parameter values in ddlset.fixed
Set initial valuesset.initial
ADMB setupsetup_admb
TMB setupsetup_tmb
Defines model specific parameters (internal use)setup.model setupHMM
Setup parameter structure specific to model (internal use)setup.parameters
Simulates data from Hidden Markov ModelsimHMM
An example of the Mulstistrata (multi-state) model in which states are routes taken by migrating fish.skagit
Fitting function for Multistate CJS live-dead models with TMBsmsld_tmb
Split/collapse capture historiescollapseCH splitCH
Tag loss exampletagloss
Determine validity of parameters for a model (internal use)valid.parameters